The Phalaenopsis orchid is the easiest type of orchid to care for. For this reason, they’re often referred to as the perfect “Beginner orchid”. Even though caring for them is easy, many people struggle to keep them alive. And that’s understandable – if you don’t know a plant’s dos-and-don’ts, then how can you keep it […]
Do Orchids Bloom All Year?
During the early spring, many orchids begin blooming. But not all orchids will stay in bloom for the entire season. They will go into dormancy. Orchids need a lot of light in order to bloom. On top of that, orchids plants require the right amounts of water and fertilizer. Some growers use a 30-10-10 fertilizer. […]
Why My Orchid Is Not Flowering?
Whether your orchid is flowering or not, it is important to understand how to keep your plant in tip-top shape. This will ensure that you enjoy blooms year after year. Orchids need varying temperatures. They grow best in a cooler nighttime temperature and are more tolerant to a warmer daytime temperature. They also require sufficient […]
Can I Plant Orchids Outside?
Whether you are planning to plant orchids outside or you are just wondering how to grow orchids outside, there are many factors to consider. You should also be aware that not all orchids can survive in all climates. For example, many epiphyte orchids can only survive temperatures as low as -20 degrees Fahrenheit (ca. -7 […]
How to look after orchids at home
Caring For Orchids at Home Whether you have a tropical orchid that is native to the rainforests or you have an exotic orchid that was purchased at a department store, there are a few things you can do to care for your orchid at home. The most common cause of death to houseplants is overwatering. […]
Where Should I Put My Orchid in My House?
Adding an orchid to your home can help you create an atmosphere that will bring you a little happiness and joy. You can keep it in a corner or on a table, or style it to match the look of your home. They are also a great way to liven up a workspace and to […]
How to Save an Orchid With No Leaves
Is it really possible to save an orchid without leaves? If your orchid is dead there is no way to save it of course. But if the roots are still alive, there might still be a way to save an orchid with no leaves. The first step is to determine why the plant has stopped […]