Phalaenopsis orchids are beautiful plants that are relatively easy to care for. Thanks to modern-day technology they can be mass-produced, which has made them widely available and affordable. It’s often already that very first Phalaenopsis orchid that makes us obsessed with these magical plants! One orchid quickly turns into two, and before we even realize […]
How to Grow Orchids
The Phalaenopsis orchid is the easiest type of orchid to care for. For this reason, they’re often referred to as the perfect “Beginner orchid”. Even though caring for them is easy, many people struggle to keep them alive. And that’s understandable – if you don’t know a plant’s dos-and-don’ts, then how can you keep it […]
How to look after an orchid house plant
In recent years Phalaenopsis orchids, and orchids in general, have grown in popularity as indoor plants. They used to be harder to find and more expensive, but are widely available and affordable these days. Phalaenopsis orchids have become the plant to give on anniversaries, Mother’s Day, birthdays, and even Christmas. But many people are left […]
Can I leave my orchids outside?
As an indoor grower, I have often wondered would my orchids do better outside. Would a more natural environment make the plants flourish more? What are the dos and don’ts? What to take into consideration when planning to put the orchids outside – or is it even for everyone? Is it necessary? Who can do […]
What to Look for When Buying Orchids
The passion for growing orchids started for all of us somewhere and somehow. We all have that story how we got into orchids in the first place! A few years ago I went over to a friend’s house for Thanksgiving. I gave her a colorful Phalaenopsis orchid in a clear plastic pot, which she placed […]