I was once doing my usual orchid round, inspecting the orchids one by one. How the leaves, roots, and flowers look like.. Are there any new flower spikes coming out, and so forth. Something caught my eye; unusual markings on some of the petals of the flowers. “Hmmm…” I thought. But then left it and […]
Can orchids grow from cuttings?
When you bring home your first Phalaenopsis orchid, and start to learn how to care for it properly, it quickly becomes a passion. Soon having just one orchid has turned into having multiple orchids! There’s just something about these plants, that is almost addictive – people get bitten by the Phalaenopsis orchid bug! (Rest assure, […]
How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies in Orchids
As an orchid enthusiast and blogger, I often hear this question – how do I get rid of fruit flies in orchids? It’s really not unheard of to suddenly see small fruit flies flying around the plants. Seems like they come out of nowhere! This might come as a surprise to you, but these ‘fruit […]
How to save an orchid
I can’t even count how many times I’ve come across with people panicking about their dying orchid, asking what they can do to save it. And of course, I’ve had orchids too, that have shown signs of distress and approaching death. I’ve brought home several dying orchids from the clearance table, wanting to nurture them […]
Why are my orchid’s flowers falling off?
It’s exciting to pick a new orchid in the shop. Choosing which one to buy is understandably based on the type of flowers it has – there are so many different colors and patterns to choose from! Once the new plant is brought home you naturally want to enjoy the flowers for as long as […]
How to Repot an Orchid: Step-by-Step Guide
Repotting an orchid is slightly different from repotting a ‘normal’ houseplant. This is because most orchids are epiphytes, ‘air plants’, growing up high, holding on to trees, etc. ‘Normal’ houseplants are terrestrial plants, which means they grow from the ground. A plant that grows from the ground or in the air requires a different type […]
9 Tips to Building an Orchid Collection
Phalaenopsis orchids are beautiful plants that are relatively easy to care for. Thanks to modern-day technology they can be mass-produced, which has made them widely available and affordable. It’s often already that very first Phalaenopsis orchid that makes us obsessed with these magical plants! One orchid quickly turns into two, and before we even realize […]
How to Grow Orchids
The Phalaenopsis orchid is the easiest type of orchid to care for. For this reason, they’re often referred to as the perfect “Beginner orchid”. Even though caring for them is easy, many people struggle to keep them alive. And that’s understandable – if you don’t know a plant’s dos-and-don’ts, then how can you keep it […]
How to look after an orchid house plant
In recent years Phalaenopsis orchids, and orchids in general, have grown in popularity as indoor plants. They used to be harder to find and more expensive, but are widely available and affordable these days. Phalaenopsis orchids have become the plant to give on anniversaries, Mother’s Day, birthdays, and even Christmas. But many people are left […]
Why are my orchid’s leaves turning yellow?
Yellowing leaves is something all new orchid keepers will experience, sooner or later. It can be upsetting when experienced for the first time, as people don’t know what’s causing it – fearing for the worst! Therefore questions about leaves turning yellow get asked a lot. And they’re good questions to ask! Leaf yellowing is inevitable […]