Adding an orchid to your home can help you create an atmosphere that will bring you a little happiness and joy. You can keep it in a corner or on a table, or style it to match the look of your home. They are also a great way to liven up a workspace and to […]
What is the White Sticky Stuff on My Orchids?
Having a white sticky stuff on your orchids can be a sign of a pest or insect infestation. You should remove this white coating from your orchid flowers to prevent further infection. Insects can include mealybugs, scale, and aphids. You can get rid of these insects using horticultural oil or insecticidal soap. You may also […]
What Happens When an Orchid Has a Terminal Spike?
During the growth phase of an orchid, it will produce a flower spike. This spike will grow at a specific location. This location is called the terminal spike. It grows from the middle of the crown. Terminal spikes will usually last for several months or years. Terminal spikes are often confused with new aerial roots. […]
How to Save an Orchid With No Leaves
Is it really possible to save an orchid without leaves? If your orchid is dead there is no way to save it of course. But if the roots are still alive, there might still be a way to save an orchid with no leaves. The first step is to determine why the plant has stopped […]
Why Are My Orchids Leaves Turning Black?
Whether your orchid is in the ground or in a pot, it is important to keep an eye out for signs of disease. Diseased orchids can cause death. However, orchids can also be saved if caught in the early stages. Orchids can be susceptible to fungal infections. These infections can cause a yellow haze to […]
Why is My Orchid Stem Turning Yellow?
Usually, when you see your orchid’s stem turning yellow, it is an indication that something is wrong with the plant. You may have to remove the plant or move it to a more suitable location. If the cause of the yellowing is a bacterial infection, you can treat it with a fungicide. The yellowing may […]
Where to Cut Orchid Stem
Whether you are preparing your orchid for rebloom or just maintaining the health of your plant, where to cut orchid stem is important. Cutting is the most obvious way to maintain your orchid’s health, but it is important to be careful. If you cut the wrong way, you could hurt your orchid, or spread diseases […]
Can Orchids Grow in Water?
Whether you live in an urban environment or you are a nature lover, you might have heard of orchids and wondered whether they can grow in water. The good news is that the answer is yes. Orchids can be grown in water, in soil, and even in the air. If you are interested in orchid […]
Why is My Orchid Dying?
Depending on the type of orchid you have, your plant may begin to die after only a few weeks of cultivation. Orchids are sensitive to sudden changes in temperature and humidity, which can result in bud blast, when flower buds are lost. However, there are ways to revive your orchid. The most common cause of […]